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A Yogi’s Life | My Best Set Intention
- November 10, 2012
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: 5 Minutes 4 Positive Change Life lessons Meditation my life uncensored Yoga 4 Love Blog
A Yogi’s Life | My Best Set Intention
Originally posted on
I want to get up early and meditate. I awake before dawn daily to let my dogs out well before I wake my kids for school. I love to sit outside in the predawn and look at the night sky as is changes day by day, season by season. Then I go back inside, and my warm fuzzy bed calls me. My sleeping spouse, so cozy. I would love to stay up and meditate, I really would. Why don’t I sit? Why do I resist the practice that I know helps me stay centered, grounded, connected to my Source? Why do I suddenly feel sleepy when I was just so energized by the chill of the night just moments ago? My little dog wants to sit with me and meditate. He will keep me warm, he looks up at me. Instead of turing on my Frankincense burner, reading my affirmations and grabbing my mala beads, I lie down. My dreams are vivid, maybe that’s my reality? What am I learning about myself in this dream-wake state before the alarm goes off? Am I really sleepy, or is this a habit? I fall asleep and wake in an hour to get my 4th grader up. I vow to meditate after my cup of tea. She is of with the bus, I make my tea. However, my emails are now dinging on my iPhone. Ok, so Ill check them really quickly. I see my hubby and Freshman son off. I am so hungry. Oh my goodness, I need to leave for the studio! My class is in thirty minutes! How can I teach my students to sit when I haven’t sat myself? We breathe together. I forgot to turn my phone on airplane mode and I notice those emails vibrating as they continue to roll in. We breathe, I bring the class through our vinyasa, sweating, flowing, assisting and moving energy, prana, life force, asking them to solidify their intention for their practice of yoga. How can I do this without pausing and setting my intention for my day first? I vow to meditate tonight at my usual time, 11:11pm. Savasana. I hold space for them. When do I hold space for myself? Did I eat? Wow, tea doesn’t go so far on an empty stomach. Time to play the Tibetian bells and bring them back to their mats, to their bodies. We OM. I send them love and then it’s quiet again. Oh, but now I MUST EAT. Thank you for my whole food shakes. Mmmm. Those emails, I’ll check them. Several phone calls come in, I post some events upcoming about Nicolai Bachman and my Wine and Wellness Natural Body Care + Whole Food Girls Night. I see the time, wow, its time to meet my daughter coming off the bus. I zoom home and greet her. Time to eat finally. Late lunch, hummus and crackers with some fruit and dinner planning. My hubby arrives, but he teaches at the studio tonight and then wants practice yoga, so its me and the kids tonight. I decide to cook something with the massive amounts of peppers I picked yesterday out of our organic garden. Ill check my emails again real quick. Oh, I still need to finish posting our New Years Day event. I look up and I haven’t cooked a thing and it is almost 9:00pm! I whip up some omelets and feed my son and make one for Rich. Where is my daughter? Asleep after eating Cocoa Pebbles in her room. I don’t beat myself up, I’ll make her a good breakfast, tuck tuck. Ok, now a good meal with my hubby; organic eggs with fresh spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers~ those hummers are HOT! After finishing my old tea on the counter I shower. Time to meditate! Yea! I’ll meditate after I read and lie down just a bit. 11:11pm I am asleep, I read 3 pages. Tomorrow is a new day. New opportunities. I will start my day with setting my intention.
My Reiki Mantra~ Infinite Light Surrounds Me, Infinite Love Enfolds Me, Infinite Wisdom Guides Me, Infinite Power Courses Through Me, Wherever I am God Is. So Be It. Namaste.

Lisa Ware is E-RYT 200 (200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with over 1000 teaching hours), she is a Reiki Master Teacher and enjoys work as a Lifecoach. She wears many hats~ Wife, Mother, Daughter of the Universe, Nature Girl, AcroYogini and cOMmunity leader.
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