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Writing Abundance Checks ~ Happy Lunar Eclipse Full Moon
- October 8, 2014
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: 5 Minutes 4 Positive Change Yoga 4 Love Blog Yoga 4 Love's Quotes and Inspiration

Greetings and Happy Full Moon!
We awoke to watch the lunar eclipse and it was spectacular. The cloud cover came just as I was getting my camera. This Lunar Eclipse and Super powerful moon energy is amazing. Get out under her and look up! This will last for 72 hours.
Have you ever heard of an Abundance Check?
Well I have but not actually done it. Let’s try this together and let me know your feedback in a few days. I am bringing this idea in from some other people that have tried something similar and have had awesome results.
Ok, so what I am going to do is basically write a check on a piece of blank paper made out me, ‘Lisa Ware’, from ‘The Universe’. On this check, in the field where you put the dollars can be money or anything else. Then write the description. Write out a few!
Then place it in the moon energy and let it sit outside, if possible. Meditate on what you desire on that check and receive it fully. Really feel it as you already have received it, every flavor, emotion, expression, bank statement balance or material object.
Then release it and expect it, but allow no limitations on when or how it will come.
That is it!
Ready? Go grab some paper. GO!!!
reply to me and share your dreams + desires!!! or post on my FaceBook wall HERE
I will share mine on my wall and my Instagram @yoga4love