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Abundant Summer Solstice Gratitude Project
- June 20, 2013
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: 5 Minutes 4 Positive Change Life lessons my life uncensored Yoga 4 Love Blog
Happy Summer Solstice!
Blessings to you and yours!
I was in meditation while my class was in savasana the other day. I was so clearly led to invite you to begin something with me this summer Solstice that will better our lives in ways we cannot yet even imagine. It is a practice of gratitude. We will be starting on Summer Solstice, and I invite you to join me!
All you do is every day write down what you are grateful for! On paper. We will also be a posting project:
Post on Instagram and on the Live Loved Lifecoaching and Energy Work FaceBook page for community interaction and sharing special words and photos.
Bringing our vibration into the frequency of joy and gratefulness is the activation component of creating more abundance of what we love and makes us happy in our lives!
I recommend getting the book THE MAGIC, by Rhonda Byrne, to go along with this and deepen your practice. We will begin the book this weekend and Day 1 (starting on page 29) on Monday.
I have this FaceBook Page created a long time ago with a vision and now know that is is meant for our cOMmunity to use that space for our personal postings and shares of what is transforming in our lives! the FB page is called Live Loved Lifecoaching and Energy Work.
So, do ya want to try this gratitude thing? Post something you’re grateful for on the Live Loved FaceBook page today, or like the page and tag it on your personal wall post! Let’s connect socially! Then hashtag on instagram and lets create a gratitude movement!
I have been in a HUGE process of clearing, clearing, clearing all our STUFF on our property, in our home and in my life. It is tedious and physical and I have lost all my pretty nails… BUT is is worth every drop of sweat.
Time to make space for ABUNDANCE!
I am soooo grateful for YOU.
I desire to connect with you, work with you, encourage you, be encouraged. Lets bring the best out for eachother.
PS We just held a studio wide cOMmunity Charity Outdoor Yoga Class by the Waterfall and Charity Garage Sale with proceeds going to Southwest Children’s Chorus. Our daughter, who as we speak is in Canada going on a singing tour, then onto NYC! Thank you!!!
I am thrilled to bring a successful coaching program that has been a lot of fun!
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