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Duane’s Journey to Optimal Health, the Anti Cancer Diet and Pantry Makeover
- July 18, 2014
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: 5 Minutes 4 Positive Change my life uncensored Yoga 4 Love Blog

Take a moment to view life from a positive perspective. When life creates turbulence, look for the calm beneath the storm.
YOGA 4 LOVE began in honor of my mom. Today I refuse to give up, now am fighting for my dad.
This journey is super hard, we all face difficulties in life. I know we are in retrograde and we are all irritable. Maybe more than normal. That is ok. This has been a year of change and disruption to our ‘normal’ life.

This year I lost 2 dogs and now my dad has cancer. WTF I know we can all get down and wallow, and believe me it happens to me, as well.
But you know what? I REFUSE TO STAY DOWN! Dont you? We get up and fight! Last week I was not only trying drive across town to go see my dad and be there for him when he was getting his IV port surgery, but also empowering my uncle, his brother. This is another layer to the story, but before I tell you what happened to my dad, I am going to share that asI left to go meet him at the hospital my car broke down and I had to get two new tires and then the wheel bearings and stuff! So… I practice patience.
To backtrack 3 weeks, all I have to say is that Uncle Michael somehow ended up living with my dad, as a 58 year old man without a job, consistently down on his luck. His brother has always been the victim. Not taken responsibility of his own life and totally co-dependent. So it was time for him to get the heck out of my dad’s house, whether he agreed or not. So me and my bro-in-law packed his crap into our SUV’s and rented him a motel. We did not know that my dad would be diagnosed the esophogeal cancer the next freaking day. All I know is that Spirit told me what to do and I took action.
Spirit said that I have been gifted with the tools and skills that can change my uncle’s life for the positive. I said WHY ME? But then I asked for a sign that moving him out without his consent was the right thing. I turned the corner and guess what? The street we were moving him to was named Michael Way. His name is Michael. Spirit said he was named after Archangel Michael. Whoa.
Well, I have been coaching him, believing in him, allowing him space to find his way without enabling, and not allowing him to ask for anything from anyone, as he really never wanted to in the first place. He wants to make it, and using positive affirmations and believing in him he has turned his life around. He walked to church for the first time that I can remember. Michael got hired from the day labor and now moved to Denver, our hometown. He is looking forwad to life now, and my father can have his home back. For the first time in his life someone believed in him. He calls me his angel, but I really am not, I am simply obedient.

Duane, my dad, is going to see his naturopath for 2.5 weeks now, and she is doing body system (meredian) testing and nutrition counceling. ALL of Duane’s systems were extremely inflamed and way off line into the high yellow ‘danger zone’. He is now following all the whole food protocol, taking triple Juice Plus whole food fruits, vegges and berries, taking a daily liver and colon cleanse, anti inflammatory and tumeric.

Pantry makeover for my dad! Phase 2! Confiscated bad food! Good thing I went to the grocery store and bought him two trips of stuff that is organic and gluten free and low sugar or he would not have a thing to eat!
We reached out to Tina, as God sent her into our life at a leadership event the day after I moved my Uncle out of dad’s home. She created an amazing simple plan
This was what we have been doing for the anti Cancer anti-inflammatory diet:
- TOTAL pantry and fridge makeover removing ALL processed and packaged foods
- remove everything white (which was pretty much all he ate)
- super low sugar
- ultra low carbs
- mostly gluten
- 2-4 Juice Plus whole food Complete powder shakes or smoothies with spinach and fruit a day.
For micro nutrients we are:
- Tripling his Juice Plus orchard, garden and vineyard capsules, adding detox drops for the liver, anti inflammatory tablet, colon cleanse herbs, European turmeric. All of these are whole food supplements.
She tested his systems, and then retested the systems with the supplements on the computer for each of the meridians of the body.
2.5 weeks ago all of his body work was completely offline and extremely inflamed to a very dangerous level. Today almost all of them are back in the green and in a normal range! Yes, in just a few weeks this change can happen! Food is powerful medicine.

In just 2.5 weeks of this regime his systems (meridians) ALL tested way back into normal range! Only 4 were a bit out of range slightly into the yellow, all the rest were well into the green ‘safe zone’!!!

He was shocked and so happy. He is a numbers guy, with years of financial analyst background, so this proof made him feel confident to begin the chemo with a strong body.
He began chemo this week and will receive 4 more weekly treatments and 28 radiation treatments locally directed to the tumor on the espohogeal lining.

Dad is doing OK with the first chemo and radiation Tuesday. He said the chemo hurts his throat. Please send healing light and prayers.
Playing cards to shoot the time is nice. Been here almost 6 hours and a little bit to go still.
The Outdoor Yoga at the Waterfall charity class was a huge success!

We are filled with HOPE.
We are recharged with your LOVE.
We appreciate your POSITIVE MESSAGES, and look forward to your responses on our facebook posts. Please continue to PRAY and MEDITATE for ultimate healing for the HIGHEST GOOD in all situations.
We have been gifted a lovely quilt to raise money to help Duane pay for his natural therapies and his $3900 deductible. If you are called to give you can donate at the studio, participate in the raffle or if you would like you may make a Donation via PayPal on Y4L Charity Yoga page.
If you want help on your or your loved one’s journey or for more info please see the Live Loved Lifecoaching page.
IF you are ready to book a session or consultation at the studio, on the phone or Skype with Lisa Ware or our staff, please contact us.