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Journey Through the Chakras with Lisa Ware | Week 1 Muladhara Root Chakra and Vinyasa Yoga
- March 7, 2014
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: 5 Minutes 4 Positive Change Meditation Teachings of Yoga Philosophy Yoga 4 Love Blog Yoga Asana 101

HOT Vinyasa Flow Yoga + Journey through the Chakra System with Lisa Ware
This practice may be utilized in conjunction for the 7 weeks of Lent and Easter Season!
The root Chakra is the base of the energy system called the Chakras or Cakra in Sanskrit. (In English we add the ‘ch’ spelling, but in Sanskrit the ‘c’ sounds like ‘ch’.)
Muladhara is located at the base of the spine near the perineum, or the triangular muscle grouping of the pelvic floor. It is symbolic with the Earth, being rooted down, and with groundedness.

For this class I recommend two books:
Anodea Judith’s Chakra Balancing Kit with the detailed book and 2 CD’s, and
Swami Svananda Chakra Meditation with the beautiful imagery and meditations
A great Cakra Poster is available from Sanskrit Sounds which has all the traditional description of the chakras from the Vedas by Nicolai Bachman.
To enhance your practice you may enjoy:
A sprig of rosemary, basil or a piece of cedar wood or cedar resin; a rosewood mala bead necklace or a mala of choice, a piece of dark stone or crystal, either red or black such as jasper or onyx or hematite. Cloves or black pepper, or grounding essential oils such as frankincense.
A bolster or small pillow, a blanket folded and firm, two yoga blocks and of course your yoga mat. Room temp water and an open mind. =-)

The workshop associated with this post is accessed via streaming audio on:
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Join Lisa for a 7 Week Series:
FREE Downloads for Root chakra workshop:

Take 1 class or all 7!
85 minutes; Beginners, All Levels
Enjoy a yoga class focused on your energy centers with Lisa in a beautiful Far Infrared Heated yoga studio! Practice yoga surrounded with tranquility and find your bliss on your mat! Make a commitment to mind, body spirit!
Begin the series with the Root Chakra and end focusing on Transformation and Ascension with the Crown Chakra!
Each week’s flow is designed to activate, balance and connection to breath through Mind / Body / Spirit. Learn and feel in new ways, connect with our natural Prana (the body’s chi, ki or energy). Learn to awaken all of our energy points (chakras) with some new and many traditional techniques and poses. Specific Sun Salutations for each chakra (Surya Namaskar). Learn how certain Warrior series activate direction of energy (Prana Vayus). Experience delicious twists, beginner and advanced back bending and an intro to basic inversions. All Yoga 4 Love Signature sequences are chosen to stimulate and balance each Chakra center. Come to one class or all 7!
This creative class series combines Lisa’s two passions: Reiki and Vinyasa Flow Yoga. Learn through the practice of yoga and some breakdown/ lecture time about the colors, yantra meditation, crystals + positive affirmations and Sun Salutations specifically for each chakra. All learning is experienced during a flowing yoga class. Starting with breath work (pranayama) and setting your intention for the chakra energy center, we then begin moving into a flow set to conscious music at a pace that will stretch you to your edge, or be therapeutic, whatever you feel is best of you that present moment. Hold your focus and feel deep relaxation with an energy filled yoga practice, a beautiful blend of Hatha and Vinyasa infused with the transformative yin energy of Reiki Healing Therapy.
Build your core strength, balance, increase your internal fire. Have fun, laugh, fall out of poses, play and strengthen. You will leave feeling rejuvenated, refreshed and balanced.
Finish this class with Reiki and guided meditation during a lovely final relaxation (Savasana).
Oneness. Peace. Love. Light
Lisa Ware, E-RYT
Reiki Master Teacher
Held at Dynamic Yoga 4 Love Studio 558 Bluebird Lane Red Oak, TX 75154
Held Virtually at
Included in Yoga 4 Love membership. $12 Drop in or 7 class pass $65 (reg. $84).
Sign Up HERE
Rosewood Mala provided by Atma Inports
Much gratitude!