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Lisa’s Asana 101 Pose of the Week l Warrior 1
- April 23, 2012
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: 5 Minutes 4 Positive Change Teachings of Yoga Philosophy Yoga 4 Love Blog Yoga Asana 101
Post of the Week: Warrior I
Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana I
Benefits: Stretching of the chest, lungs, shoulders, belly, neck and strengthens the shoulders, arms, back, and legs

Lisa’s Asana 101
Begin in Tadasana, Mountain Pose.
Bringin our hands to our heart, set intention for yoga practice today.
Breathe in Peace, Breathe out Love
Breathe in Joy, Breathe out Compassion
Stay with this breath several more cycles. Letting the body feel and let go of the day, coming into the present moment.
Inhale. Bring hands straight up overhead, palms facing; Uttita Hastasana. Relax the shoulders away from the ears and reach from the ribs.
Exhale. Step the left foot back all the way down the mat. Allow the back edge of the foot to land behind the front heel facing 10:00 or 11:00 about a 45 degree angle; being the right knee so that it is directly above the ankle.
Inhale. Square the hips and shoulders to the front of the mat.
Exhale. Release and feel the earth below our feet.
Inhale. Lift the heart and straighten the left leg
Exhale. Draw the tailbone down, spread out the toes and feel the ball of the feet beneath the big toe and the ball of the foot beneath the pinkie toe to release into the earth.
Stay for 5 breath cycles.
Each Inhale lift slightly bringing the heart and the crown of the head toward the heavens.
and each Exhale soften slightly and let go somewhere in the body, as well as in the mind.
Inhale. Lift the back heel and on an inhale push off the left foot.
Exhale. and step the get together at the top of the mat to Tadasana.
Take three flowing Angel Breaths, circle sweeping the arms out and up on the in breath and down across the front of the body on the out breath.
Bringing our hands to our heart, look down at the fingertips, then closing the eyes bow to our higher self.
The light in me honors the light in you. Namaste.
Finding the focus of a Warrior in this asana on our yoga mat will help us off the mat in everyday life to live as Warrior for Peace, a Warrior for Compassion and a Warrior for Joy in our everyday life.