Excited is an understatement! “5 Minutes 4 Positive Change ~ Yoga, Meditation, Reiki + Nutrition for a Holistic Lifestyle’ will be completed this year, as soon as I launch my global online teacher training, Yoga 4 Love Advanced Training Programs 200 ONLINE! I will then be able to focus on writing again! Advanced Training Programs
I began this book in early 2014 and wrote so much of it so quickly! My life coach, and author, Gary Quinn told me too start with the title and cover. It came right away, then of course I met this incredible artist, Ashley Foreman.
Everything shifted and my yogs teacher training took a huge brilliant turn and we took it online! It had to be completed, everything just came through so quickly and there was such a need to be filled. So I have spent 2 years completing that, as the editing process, uploading, recording and polishing is almost completed I will again begin creative process on the book!
Now I have opportunities to use this image in even more creative ways! #somuchmoretocome