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My 90 Day Detox Day 1 & 2~ where is my natural energy???
- January 31, 2012
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: 5 Minutes 4 Positive Change my life uncensored Yoga 4 Love Blog
I’ve been now working with 2-3 people on their Lifecoaching sessions and also have a group going called 90 Days To Feeling Fit at my studio where myself and a chiropractor created a plan using nutritionals and a meal plan. We meet every Sunday and have 11 people. Last week we took a field trip to the grocery store and taught them how to shop for whole foods and read labels. We had a blast.
This week I gave them homework on how to create affirmations and we made vision boards! Here’s a picture of the group and my good friend Allison with Eeva our little Feeling Fit Helper.
I’m doing the detox with my hubby Richard, and the group.
It entails:
(week 1, last week, but Rich and I started 100% Monday 1/30/12)
No caffeine
No refined sugar
No soy except soy isolate
No dairy
No gluten
Daily meals for us are all vegetation, sometines fish and eggs. I am not giving up fruit or soy, as I need to keep my caloric intake way up because I’m a yoga rock star, as you know. =-)
The plan allows for meat though, and so some may choose to eat organic chicken or organic grass fed beef or bison. Daily we drink a Detox Herbal Tea. I recommend Arbonne or Traditional Medicinals. We already eat mostly this way anyhow. But not the non dairy gluten free part. Also, we are increasing our vegan protein by utilizing protein shakes. I recommend Juice Plus or Arbonne. They both have chocolate and vanilla. It’s mixed into rice, almond or coconut milk or water. No fruit at first to reduce the sugars. Later we can make smoothies and such .
Then week 2 Richard joined me and I began to be really strict and adhere to it all the way. On week 2 we all begin to also add in a proprietary blend of herbs by Arbonne called the 7 Day Detox. It’s 7/ 2 oz bottles you mix daily into 32 oz of water.
Day 1
So I’m thinking ‘I got this, no problem’ yesterday and started off with little sleep since my daughter came into my bed and is a super heater.
I awoke, did my affirmations and meditation, at 7:40 am cooked the three of us (Aspen already got on the bus) all organic egg omlettes from our chickens with sautéed onions, black beans and organic salsa.
I had a totally booked day beginning with a meeting about our Reiki Training for this weekend, then taught my a class at 10. I finished with my clients and headed to Dallas for a meeting for The DFW Free Day of Yoga. I are some hummus and GF Mary’s Gone Crackers then had a meeting with an art gallery owner who FaceBooked me about yoga at her gallery. She’s from Israel and really lovely. I was super hungry and a bit dizzy. I had an appointment with Apple but cancelled and drove back. I stopped at Ann’s Health Food and totally stocked up on GF dairy free groceries. $150 later I rushed home to see my daughter practice her hula hoop routine with a friend who’s teaching her for the talent show. I unloaded the groceries and my hubby made me a spinach salad which I slammed with a org. PB rice cake the rushed to the studio. I co taught a fun Hot Vinyasa class then taught my Fluid Power class and came home starving. I finally finished my 32 oz Detox water at 8:15 pm. When i got home Richard surprised all of us with grilled Mahi Mahi, veggies, org baked potato with coconut butter. I finally was full but so so tired. Finished with a RawE O (dehydrated organic raw cookie, über cute and yummy, Rich said uh no thanks).
Checked some emails, put the kids to bed, drank a protein shake and crashed at midnight.
Day 2
I rested well, and started my day slow. Made our detox water, ate a GF bar had some decaf English Breakfast with coconut creamer and saw the family off.
In the Health Master I made a yummy smoothie~
1/2 block of firm tofu
Pineapple chunks
Org Raspberries
Arbonne vanilla protein
Coconut milk
Water to thin
3 handfuls org Spinach
My dad comes over Tuesday’s to help with our business, The Fish Physician. So after taking and doing some biz I rushed to the studio. The at&t guy was there and my Zumba instructor had everyone all settled into their mats, so nice. The phone guy installed our landline while I taught Hot Beginner Vinyasa 101.
After class I wanted to work on the computer but couldn’t get online. I went across the street to the daycare to see if they could get online and brought my laptop and some flyers. They let me use their Internet and also hand out a flyer to each of her families and booked a hot stone massage!
I then came home, ate GF toast with org scrambled eggs in coconut butter had done detox tea, sat with my daughter went outside and began to feel a but more energetic. My energy is still about 65% of normal.
In the afternoon I taught Twisted Yoga 101. Today was all about intention, focus and intensity. I gave them a long Savasana since they worked so hard, and then came home to hang with the kids and get some rest!