the first New Moon of Spring, the symbolic significance is so great! This is a time to reset, refresh and take charge in a new direction. One that honors the TRUE YOU! Today take time to spend it in nature, or in meditaiton. Really dentify the shadow areas that are lurking behing the secret compartments in your mind. What can you FINALLY LET GO of to be fully present, fully alive, ald living your life’s purpose?
This is a powerful time! NOW is an opportunity to step up and step out of the box and into a realm of higher mind, higher heart, and higher consciousness to access the state of higher centers. Any ritual you can do that will take you out of your usual mode of operation and into the realm of altered states with a deeper access to the world of spirit would be very helpful.
Watch for things that may go upside down, unexpected decisions and choices of others that affect you in some way. Stay neutral and in appreciation for the great change that the unexpected brings.
This is a time to bid for power. What do you want?
Speak it, voice it, put it out there to the universe and trust that the universe will listen.
For the 6 hours or so after the new moon’s exact time, be very aware of staying present and away from conflict and negativity. If you find yourself with negative thoughts or judgments especially during this time, be disciplined about turning them towards thoughts of beauty, well-being and joy. Connect with your essence, align with your essence and send your ego on vacation. Source~ The Power Path
So here is my raw, crazy amazing truth of my Highest Path. I have noticed so many people going through major life changes. I see it in my students, my family, my friends.
For my Self here is what has been going on. Be ready, this is really crazy. I recently had several major transformations in such a short period. Most recently, I experienced a huge ‘Third Eye Awakening‘; held an OMazing Yin Yoga with a sound Healer Kenny Kolter and during the circle afterward we shared that all of us had felt light bursts (with eyes closed). There were so many orbs we thought someone was taking flash photography! We saw them like a meteor shower when we took photos!
The next day during my Reiki attunement ceremony with 5 ladies after the ceremony in circle I ‘downloaded’ a clairvoyant guided meditation and channeled one of the ladies message from her grandfather; the week before the Spring Equinox our little dog crossed over on my daughter’s birthday and left us with some really amazing pictures of orbs, which we know was him crossing over at sunset. The photos were taken at our horse stables.
Sunset with my dog’s orb crossing over 1
To begin this recent cycle I held an all night Women’s Healing Circle campout with 13 ladies, including two other facilitators, Sarah Spirals and Linda Ball, both Goddesses in their own right. All three of us created and held space as Shamen, Reiki Healers and Maternal Grounding and connectors to Gaia. I had received a diving healing Sacred Activation a few days before the Full Moon that woke me up. Spirit told me to dictate it and write it to use at the Healing Circle. I was obedient. The amount healing straight from the Divine that took place that night still blows my mind. I will write about that experience soon! If you are reading this and called to receive this Sacred Activaton from Mother Gaia please click the link and place yourself in a place of meditation preparing to receive. Sacred Activation for Mother Earth downloaded by Lisa Ware
This huge shift all began with all light workers on Winter Solstice 12/21/12. For me I was honored to present yoga to one 1200 people with two of my yoga teacher trainees that night in a beautiful musical theatric presentation, the culmination of 20 years of work. Since then this shifting has accelerated so quickly. I am receiving more and more confirmations of my path as a spiritual leader with the Divine Feminine, yoga warrior and healer daily. I have been humbled to work directly with Source and get messages so CLEAR from the Angelic and Archangelic Realm.
In February 2014, when I was presenting at Texas Yoga Conference, I received healing and chakra activation of an AMAZING unbelievable sort from an amazing acupuncturist and monk in Houston, Annie. She guided me through a blockage in my spleen meridian that began with my healing of broken toe a few years ago! That night I received an vivid astral travel while consciously speaking to my friend, yoga teacher Adri Kyser, about our highest good and our plans to keep our path on Truth. I received colors, stars, symbols and so much more and consciously shared what I was experiencing with Adri as we laid in our hotel room bed.
Earlier that day I had met a Kundalini teacher from New York, Karena Virginia. She and I really connected, like in a way from something bigger than our Self. We decided to spend time together the next morning at sunrise. We held a Reiki session for her healing in her room at the B & B. This was one of the most powerful sessions I have ever experienced. We thought we were in session for like 20 minutes. At the end of the session I called in the Angels and gave new information and messages for her. The wind struck the branches against the window so directly we knew it was an affirmation of the Presence. When we closed our session is was almost 90 minutes, not 20!
The culmination of this transformation was the weekend directly before the equinox. My third eye was on FIRE. I had been crying a lot that week since I missed my little dog. I developed a minor sinus infection and was in process of healing it. It was so so intense and I know that much more was going on besides sinuses. I texted my acupuncturist and she gave me a chant to use on the Full Moon. I chanted and prayed, I begged for the release and was dedicated to my ultimate healing. During this process I stood under the Full moon. My third eye finally released after some Kundalini and I was so exhausted. I went into my meditation room and laid down, I then received Divine wisdom and a connection to my sacral chakra that took the heat from my third eye and balanced it. The post about that crazy experience is HERE.
This is my path. I accept it. I don’t understand it AT ALL. I trust in the Divine Christ Consciousness within to guide me. This path of healing and Truth has been so abundant and continues to amaze me daily. I am in deep, deep appreciation.
The sound healer named me Shaman Priestess, Warrior. Yes, I accept that title and am following Truth to share the gifts I have, listening to what Spirit wants to be given in this world.
PS the Meditation above was recorded live, it is a large file, you can hear 5 minutes without creating an account. If you want to listen unlimited use the 50% discount code TEXAS for $10 for a month of me and hundreds of cool national teachers.