News & Events
Puppies, Cabin Studio + Reflection on Abundance and Destruction
- April 1, 2015
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: 5 Minutes 4 Positive Change Life lessons my life uncensored Yoga 4 Love Blog
The studio ceiling is up and the decks are built! Hot yoga starting very soon! They are putting up the wood walls tomorrow! Then the electritian can install the heat panels on the ceiling. The plumber will be able to finish the new 3/4 bath once we get the septic system installed. All the contractors are WAY behind from all the freezing snow and insurmountable mud! To get them here is a full time job!
I am thankful that I have been on the site EVERY DAY for the last almost months of my life, and that all took place to get me to be home and present to oversee this project. This is the FOUNDATION of the rest of our life, as well as Yoga 4 Love. It is so important to lay this properly and not rush.
Now we are moved in, into our DREAM HOME! I am continuing to oversee the remaining pieces of the project to its completion. It is so close, yet we must wait for the City to give a Certificate of Occupancy on the cabin, or risk huge fines. Our home is totally new, and I got to custom design every single piece. We are truly living in our dream home. We are very blessed.
Meanwhile, I have met with a business consultant at her firm and we are moving forward with a HUGE vision for the longevity of Yoga 4 Love as an S Corp and the posibilities are endless. More to come on this 5 year plan and the roll out! We also must lay low on the ‘business’ aspect on our land, and therefore not broadcast anything about our yoga until my Yoga 4 Love plan has been rolled out strategicallly. So, this yoga cabin is invitation only for our family and friends… you =-)
Also, my nutrition business has lept to a whole new level and I am super stoked with all the lives we are touching with healthy living, clean eating and financial freedom!
Oh, and today 3/31 my 12 year old daughter just got braces. Such exciting times!
On another note, my father has been in and out ot fhe ER from the rehab, not left his bed for more than 45 minutes to sit up, since 1/12/15 when he had surgery for esphoogeal cancer. He is trying to heal, but has had so many set backs with his recovery. Please lift him up.
Cherry Flame had PUPPIES on 3/19! We got to be there for her birth. My son and I helped deliver 2 of the puppies! Cherry had 3 babies, all boys, but the first one never took his breath of life. He delivered the second and I the third. We have named them Flint and Spark. The parents are Cherry Flame and Lightning. So they all have a fire theme… Appropriate, yes?
I totally have thought about the significance of this death. With the birth of this new home this land and the abundance to follow, the first born was still. The last closure of this land after the fire was the death of my kitten, Ming. The entire event of fire and restoration was encapsulated by death and rebirth. What an amazing symbolism.
I stood out at the cabin last night under the trees, as my cabin now comes to fruition right before my eyes. I have held space for this studio for months, and now it is finally moving forward…
I truly realized what if FEELS like to be ABUNDANT. Truly and fully fulfilled. In all areas of my life. And none of this would have happened unless the tragedy of the fire took place. I have been really frighten to a call upon Kali up until a few weeks ago. She is fierce, vicious, harsh and abrupt. She also is that Mother who gives Tough Love. She is the fieriest maternal love you will ever find. She truly wants the best for us, and her avenue to get us there is destruction. Through all of this we come out polished and refined, purified if you will. Boy the toxins DRIP off and they burn as they pour out. It is not a happy place. I wish it on no one. But would I have changed it, reflecting back just 7 short months, an entire lifetime? No. It is all ordained by my Highest Good and the Good of my family for the betterment of the planet and our Path to Self.
So, about the studio…
We will start this new chapter in April 2015, after Easter. The date is TBD by the contractors showing up to finish.
We are starting the month with a Drum Circle and Journey through the Chakras. See the events for the details.
We will also hold an Acro + Thai workshop led by myself and Richard. Looking forward to getting back into some playfulness! Acro, Thai and Puppies!