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12 Years Ago My Life Turned a Total 180 + Full Moon Party and Spring Class LIVE Schedule
- May 7, 2020
- Posted by: lisa
- Category: Moon + Astral News and Seasonal Reflection Yoga 4 Love Blog Yoga Asana 101
Hey lovely friend!
Today is a very significant window in my life. 12 years ago on May 7 my mom crossed over to the other side and became my angel. Five years ago on this very same day we had a military funeral for my dad. 12 years ago, 2008, I had just begun my teacher training journey. I knew that I wanted to do something with my life in addition to taking care of my young (at the time) 2 kids. My heart was already full, yet I yearned for more. I knew Spirit had more for me to bring through, so I started praying and meditating. At the time, my mom had been on a turbulent journey with metastatic breast cancer. She had a recurrence in 2000. She had set such a positive example for me from the age of seventh grade when she had her first occurrence to the year 2000.
During that period of time I moved with my family from Colorado, as if your nature girl into the mid-cities area of Dallas – Fort Worth and was totally thrown out of my element. My mom began to work for American Airlines and she began to head up the fundraising for the Susan G Komen foundation with the Race for the Cure. For years she gave her time, talent and energy to helping raise awareness about breast cancer, and she would speak at the end of the race to thousands of women. The beautiful women with the pink hats would toss their hats in the air in celebration and connection at the end of her speeches. I thought she was silly, and fun, but had NO idea how many lives she affected in a positive way until she became ill. During that eight year journey of recurrence she had so many women show up for her that I was blown away. It was a constant party in her hospital room! When she would get better and come home her house was filled with lovely gifts, flowers, balloons and tons and tons of pigs. (Note to self don’t ever tell anybody that you collect something!)
At the year 2007, my kids were a little bit older, eight and four, so I decided to take my Life in a new direction and began to ask spirit what I was supposed to be doing with my life. I kept getting the message to take yoga teacher training. So I started to researched what my company would be called, I meditated on Google as I was looking for a URL and immediately bought the domain. That day back in 2007 I founded Yoga 4 Love, birthed after my mom’s example and positivity.
After my second weekend of the training journey my mom crossed over, a day many of you who have lost a loved one know, that date is forever ingrained in my memory. My life took an immediate turn and has never been the same. However, I can only say it was almost all positive. All of the good that has come into my life started from my parents inspiration. My dad hung on for me and my sister for several years and on the seventh year, on the anniversary of her death, today, he was buried in 2015. I believe to this day he died of a broken heart. His crossing was on Beltane, May 1 (May Day) 5 years ago. That date we do believe was very purposeful on his decision as when to go; we have strong Irish and Celtic roots: my surname was Farrell.
Through the journey of death, I have learned so much about rebirth and the cycles of life and connection to the Other Side. My career has been propelled into an amazing, uplifting experience where I to now, hold space for large groups of women all over the globe that are ready to take a transformational journey with other like-minded women. I’m so honored to hold the space for the women that are ready to step Into their dream life, start a completely new career, or begin to dive heart-first into a practice of self love and self care. This is through our Y4L Online Training Programs, and our (now VIRTUAL) Inner Goddess Retreats (next one in JUNE, stay tuned!)
My Team Y4L has grown!! Just this year we now have a team of 18 women + interns offering so many amazing collaborations. Our training program is on target to reach 88+ graduates this year! I’m just blown away and my heart is so full. I have to attribute all of this to being in complete obedience to the Divine, working through the White Light of Christ, allowing the Light to shine through me. My Heart, mind and ego are fully open to being a clear channel for Spirit to utilize, through my writings, my book, my teachings and of course Reiki and Angel Card readings.
I know this is a lot and if you made it this far I just want you to know that I love you and I appreciate you being in my life. We may not have met in person but I feel you sister. We are all here together.
Tonight let’s celebrate! Under the full moon, whether you’re inside or out join us, celebrate! Praise! Send gratitude out into the Universe! It’s GO TIME. Time to rise up together and use the Tools we have been preparing our WHOLE LIFE to use!
I just received my Shamanic Drum and will definately be leading some drumming and chanting!
As we rise, we pull up others with us so we can rise together. The collaboration of women is what is changing the frequency of this planet.
It is the Full Moon, the Flower moon and the last Supermoon of the year! You are invited to join our Tribe in celebrating tonight! This is a Full Moon ceremony and we look forward to you joining in on IG @yoga4lovelisa LIVE and I will also be LIVE on my Facebook page Lisa Ware Yoga 4 Love! See you then on whatever platform suits you! BYO-Glass and if you are feeling springy wear a headdress or dress like your favorite goddess! We will celebrate the women who are making a difference through a fun Graduation Party, then some full moon practices.
Today is time for introspection and celebration! This year May 7 falls completely perfect on the full moon, and I want to share this evening with YOU, siSTAR. This moon in Scorpio is so powerful! There has been quite a bit of Uncertainty and chaos rising up in the collective. If you’ve been affected please tap into some of these practices that we have here for you available on my YouTube and my SoundCloud. If you are staying pretty grounded.. then YEA!!! That’s very good Work, momma! It’s difficult to stay disciplined to the Work, no matter how experienced you are.
Lastly, if you are ready to see what your dream life can look like when you partner with our Goddess Tribe, Book a Discovery Chat here with myself and one of my Coaches. We will share our stories and see if this is a fit for both you and our team.
With the purest Divine Love, I am sending you Reiki and Blessings, infused with pink roses and frankincense.
Take this class: Yoga 301 Vinyasa Flow with Lisa Ware, a powerful and grounding Vinyasa practice
Peace, Love + Light;
Lisa Ware
Visionary Vixen
Exec. Director Yoga 4 Love Online Trainings
Inner Goddess Retreats
20-05 Spring Schedule PDF download
Karma Yoga Classes! Join 10 OMAZING teachers for over 20 classes LIVE a week!
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