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Are You Ready to BE Wisdom?
- April 5, 2013
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: Yoga 4 Love Blog
Are You Ready to BE Wisdom?
Some people believe that if we just work hard enough, are committed enough, we can have everything we want and need.
Others believe that if we just do what’s expected of us, life will be fulfilling without too many problems (if we could just get better at pleasing those around us).
Still others believe that, well, this is as good as it gets. That’s life – make the best of it.
All 3 of these beliefs have to do with what’s OUSIDE of us. But, I’ve based my work (actually my LIFE) on the belief that things happen on the outside BECAUSE OF what’s happening on the inside – that life does not have to be lived in REACTION mode, but could be lived in CREATION mode (they use the same letters).
Life is always changing, can always be better and better because WE are always changing and getting better and better at life.
There’s an old saying:
“If you are what you do, then if you don’t, you aren’t”.
What we do is certainly a REFLECTION of who we are. But things change: jobs change, family make-up changes, our bodies change….
There is 1 simple way to ease the pain of change that I call “Spinning”. It’s not new, but it aids in seeing things rightly. (Notice I said “see” them rightly – you don’t have to DO anything).
The S.P.I.N. in Spin Goddess is an acronym for Start Playing Intentionally Now. Putting a ‘spin’ on circumstances instead of allowing what’s going on OUTSIDE of us to ‘spin’ US. It’s an inside-out approach. Growth is another word for change – and this growth/change can be unsettling if we didn’t instigate it. And there’s always going to be some of that. Think of change as the birth of new insight….wisdom. It is said that our eyes are like fountains letting our inner light out. (our wisdom) We’ve been living life through the eyes of yesterday’s perceptions (old glasses). Can you imagine keeping a 2 year old 2 or a 15 year old 15? Tension builds when you’re trying to keep yourself where you’ve always been. We’re not the same people we’ve always been.
* Have you lost yourself in your process?
* Do you feel like you give 80% of yourself but only 5% is received?
* Would you like to move beyond being appreciated to being deeply loved?
* Do you sense that you are growing in your wisdom?
Allow yourself to grow your emerging soul in your work, your family, your community.
You are not beautiful……you are beauty.
You are not loving………. you are love.
You are not wise …………you are wisdom.
Are you ready? WISE ENTERPRISE is a 12 week session for Women Business Owners/Creators who are ready to:
*attract quality people into their circle
*radiate sincere joy to others no matter what
* re-claim the essence of who they are and find what is divine within them.
This is WISDOM in action.
Find out more about WISE ENTERPRISE and its April 17th‘s launch on my blog: