News & Events
- May 26, 2013
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: Yoga 4 Love Blog
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. I was numb, scared, apprehensive, and wondering whether I would be one of the lucky ones to survive the horrific disease. After many tears and sleepless nights, I tried to embrace each day and live in the moment. When you have been diagnosed with a life threatening disease, and are unsure about how much time you have left on this planet, your perspective on life changes in the twinkling of an eye. It’s important to love a little deeper, hug a little harder, laugh a little louder. I kept telling myself, “Don’t let fear and worry defeat you. Do not whimper or retreat into self-pity. Regardless of the outcome, play the hand that you have been dealt with joy, dignity and strength, believing that God’s plan for your life will not be thwarted.” Positive self-talk is important! That along with a lot of prayer, and the help of my loving family and friends, got me through one of the most difficult seasons in my life.
Don’t get me wrong, I knew it was normal to be scared, sad and worried. It is natural to be fearful of what the future holds for you and the ones around you who you love so dearly. I just had to remember that fear, doubt and sadness are emotions that defeat, not heal. I decided to bloom where I had been planted, make the best of my situation with a joyful and grateful heart.
Over five years later, and after a bi-lateral Mastectomy and a few more surgeries I am still standing strong. I founded The AfterMAS Resource Center ( to help other women who are going through the same emotions, fears and life altering experiences.
I am truly blessed to be alive!!!
“Without failure, success is absent as the one who doesn’t fall cannot stand up”