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California Dreamin’
- June 26, 2013
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: Yoga 4 Love Blog
If you caught the song reference in the title, you’re probably showing your age. Love good old music like that!
I just got back from a wonderful vacation in Southern California and I am proud to say, I did NOT gain any weight. Not a pound! This was in spite of the amazing burgers I had out there. My cousins and I went to a place called Woody’s Burgers, just outside MCAS (Marine Corps Air Station) Miramar; I had a fabulous jalapeno burger – very large sliced jalapenos which would have made Texas proud! Later that week, I had a “Signature La Jolla Cave Bootlegger Burger” – a Texas sized slab of meat with whisky BBQ sauce, crispy onion straws, and pepper jack cheese. I wonder if I saved my arteries by having them remove the bacon? I am going to say “yes” because it makes me feel as though it was slightly healthier. I had another amazing burger experience at Ruby’s Diner in Oceanside – the place was at the end of a very long pier, with ocean views all around. Simply amazing for an ocean addict like myself.
So how did I not gain any weight? I had access to a gym – any of the ones at the military installations in San Diego – but I never got around to going to any of them.

What I DID do, instead of hitting the gym, was some Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga at Carlsbad. It was in a lagoon, not an ocean, so the water is pretty calm. I didn’t even fall off my board this time! And yes, in the picture I am wearing a hoodie because it was COLD that morning!
I was staying in a neighborhood in San Diego called Tierrasanta. I went walking by myself one day and found some nice paths with plenty of hills. My glutes were so sore! It was a little disturbing to see this sign:
If you can’t read it (the writing is a little small in the picture), it basically says that the area used to be a WWII training facility for the Marine Corps called Camp Elliott, so don’t pick up any weird looking items or you may blow yourself up. I am happy to say that I successfully traveled through the area, ending up with my glutes sore and I stayed in one piece!
I spent two hours kayaking in the ocean with my cousin. I looked back a couple times and realized I was the only one paddling, though! I couldn’t raise my arms the next day! It was a cool thing to do, we were able to see some caves in the rock cliffs and sea lions swam near us in the water.
Overall, a very enjoyable time. I didn’t want to come back to Texas! Now it’s back to reality.. I am definitely joining Stephanie tonight for her Core Class (Wednesdays at 8:30pm) because it’s time to get back to hitting the workouts hard!
Till next time,