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Dad’s Story by Lisa Ware DEATH & DYING Shamanic Practitioner
- June 28, 2018
- Posted by: lisa
- Category: my life uncensored Teachings of Yoga Philosophy Yoga 4 Love Blog
We had a lovely month on my Texas Book Tour, and today is my dad’s birthday. He would have been 79. When I travelled to Sedona for a spiritual quest in April I really felt him, as I reached the summit of Cathedral Rock (photo below) the wind was incredible, it took my breath. I know that was him. Here is that story:
I travelled to Sedona with 2 of my close goddesses from my tribe in April 2018 on the full moon. We were on the way from Dallas Love to Phoenix when I went to check in at Love Field, only to discover I left my phone in the cab and he was already an hour away. I panicked, and my girl, Madonna, reassured me. I would be ok without my phone. So the Universe gave me a reprieve. I had just completed my book, Yoga 4 Love Tools for Mind, Body and Spirit and was going to Phoenix for a health and wellness conference. Then after reading The Twelfth Insight by James Redfield I KNEW I had to go to Sedona. I asked Madonna and Kathryn and after the conference we planned a road trip into the desert. It was pure magick. On the plane as I did not have my phone I did not have any music so I opened my laptop and the only things I had downloaded were some Hay House meditations, so I thankfully at the last moment packed my bluetooth headphones, as my Mac would not have had an adaptor for regular headphones and started to meditate. I journeyed and had several really incredible experiences.
Then I awoke from my slumber ing meditation and on my MacBook I noticed that I had some unfinished homework for my upcoming Shamanic Practitioner class. It was on Death and Dying. As I began to write, my father’s story emerged. Below is Duane Farrell’s story. Today is his birthday, he would have been 79, and now he is my angel. At the last Shamanic training he came as the wolf and told me he would come to me as a cool wind on my back.
In Sedona many amazing and serendipitous experiences happened to all of us, as soon as we arrived to the little campground cabin and I stepped out of the car to go to see the pool a huge California King Snake appeared directly in my path, unabashed and in the light of the moon I watched him slowly and unafraid make his way to under a bush.
Another one is pictured above, where a friend who connected me to a Sedona business entrepreneur, Jeff Masters. He suggested we must make a trip to the Stupa.
The entire trip was totally orchestrated by Spirit. The biggest confirmation came when after scaling Cathedral Rock and landing at the summit a huge wind came. I was on a tiny little outcropping past the summit that you get to from a 2″ wide trail. It led to a flat area literally on the tip of the cliff. I meditated and did yoga. Then when I stood the wind came from my back, fierce and strong, and surprisingly cool for Arizona. I had only to lean over and go with the wind, so I did and I flew into Airplane pose, with my back toe on the rock for stability. The wind RUSHED over me and held me, I stayed steady and ground and felt my Dad’s spirit rush over into the canyon and knew he is always with me.
Dad’s Story by Lisa Ware DEATH & DYING Shamanic Practitioner
As examining my beliefs about what happens after death this is what I wrote:
When we pass over our loved ones greet us, most likely someone on the earth plane will do a rite ceremony to help us cross gently and our Guides and Angels will also meet us as we rise out of the body. After we close our unfinished business with the family and friends we leave the earth plane to a higher realm. In this fourth or reality dimension we are soul pure incarnate and are vibrating at a different and most likely much higher vibration. In this reality we are able to commune with our God/Goddess/Great Spirit and bathe in the Divine Love of Christ Consciousness. We may choose to incarnate again if we have agreed to do more lessons on Earth or to come back to compete a soul contract. Sometimes our souls are released to not need or have to come back from the Wheel of Reincarnation. This may happen through a proper ritual done on Earth to complete the cycle, finishing our work or from the completion of a contract or soul lesson.
Asking myself where did my beliefs come from?
I have learned this through the crossing over of my mom, and 2 weeks before she passed her mom crossed. When she passed I was not present but got there as quickly as necessary. I called my priest and my family was already there. When we arrived to say her last rites and circle around her body she had waited in the hospital room. As we said our prayers I ascended into a place where I could see her and see my Nana. They were lit be a beautiful back light, and were headed in that direction to the Light. They turned back and waved at me!!! Both of them! Then we ended the prayer circle and I was ELATED! I was overjoyed and told my sister immediately. She could not believe it but of course she did, and was so happy, too. I don’t recall what my dad did. I can still see them waving to me each time I recall this. She passed on May 7, exactly 2 weeks after her mother and was buried on her birthday May 17, 2008.
Since that moment my life turned a 180. I began to align my path to do the work I was called to do, and gave all my career efforts to building my Yoga 4 Love brand. I began giving up activities that did not align with my path. I started a daily meditation practice with more intention and completed the releasing of my mother with many sessions of tattoo work. That summer my family, dad, son, daughter , hubby and niece all took a road trip to Grand Canyon and Sedona, Arizona. It was there I saw magic, I felt it in my soul in the vortexes. As I write this I am headed back to Arizona, 3 years to the day that my dad passed I will be in Sedona again.
After my mom crossed in 2008 I delved into my Reiki practice, began to offer Reiki to my yoga students and began to really tap into my gifts as a clairvoyant using my gifts of sense as my primary guiding force. My mom and I had become attuned together in 2000 and 2001. In December of 2010, I looked up my old Reiki Master and one them was still in Dallas. My best friends mom and I got our Master Teacher together with my dog Cherry Flame in my living room of my home, which is now our dream home on the same slab, remodeled after the fire in 2014.
My personal experiences with Death and Dying:
I have been present for my mom’s passing. In 2007 I believe, a day or two right before my grandmother passed I knew she was going soon. I decided to drive to the hospital in the evening, knowing it would be the last time I saw her eye to eye. On the way there I began to get very emotional, and it was a long drive to Fort Worth, about 50 minutes. To prepare me for the sudden loss Spirit allowed me to witness something extremely tragic on the way there. I was driving down I-20 West going 75+ mph in the left lane. The car a half mile max in front of me underestimated the split in the center to the HOV or construction lane; the car hit the center divider of the two lanes going over 75 mph and as I swerved to stay out of the fray the car was totaled. I knew that person driving just died. I could not stop as I was going so fast and it literally happened in a split second. I was I total shock and kept driving to my destination. As I drove the shock of seeing that accident took all the adrenaline and fear and turned that into a place of being able to be 100% present when I arrived to see my grandmother.
When I saw her, her body was failing. My sister and dad had already been there. I got to be alone in the semi private ICU area and closed the curtain. She could not speak. I gazed deep into her dark milk chocolate eyes, as I had done since I could remember. This time she spoke through her eyes. She said goodbye.. for now. She poured PURE LOVE into my soul. She and I just looked into each other’s soul, past this body. Then she returned to the pain body and checked out. I stayed a bit with her, then felt duty call to get home to my little kids. She passed later that night early in the am.
Dad’s Story:
A few nights before my dad was to pass he was taken from the rehab center to the ER. His body was full of dis-ease. My sister and I had been camping out there for a few days off and on. This time I know I had to stay. We went to her house for a bit then drove back up to see Dad. When we each parked in the lot near each other she started walking to my car to meet me. I admit, I was really angry. I was so into my emotions and in a funk that was spiraling; I was so upset about Dad. When I opened the car door a small framed man was standing by the car next to mine on the passenger side in a white leisure suit. He was smoking and leaning against his car. I got out and did not acknowledge him. He spoke up, as my sister was walking up. He said, “What is that symbol on your car?” It was my Yoga 4 Love sticker with a large 5” OM symbol. I immediately brightened and told him it was the symbol of the OM! I asked if he knew what that meant, and he inquired for me to explain, The teacher in me activated full force an I explained the basics of the cycle of the OM, Birth, life, death and rebirth.
He listened intently and Denise was now next to us, he then proceeded to say randomly, “ My wife is going home today!” We said oh that is so great!!! And conversed to find out that she had ben very ill for quite a while, he waited why her side and now she is coming home! His joy was so real and so beautiful. We then quickly departed and went to visit my dad.
He was totally present and fully conscious, so I asked my hubby to drive to Bedford and bring the kids. They came and we all joked around and laughed with him in the ER.
They went home, Denise and I stayed. I then went to spent the night at Dad’s in his bed. That night I had a deep meditation. The hospital was in a portal beaming with holy golden light. He was learning how to lift out of his body, and he was very attached. I was giving him lessons on how to do it! I was telling him, in his room in the hospital, that he could simply lift out and float near the ceiling and look down at his body. He kept trying but snapping back into his body. We kept trying. He finally lifted out to the top of the building, which was still wrapped in golden light and I could see the cross at the top! Success! He did it! I fell asleep on his pillow.
In the morning I awoke and was not in a hurry to get up there. I recalled my dream journey so totally vividly and I will do my best to tell you what happened. I was at a ball, it was on the mezzanine level of a large ballroom. It was packed with jubilant people, all dressed in full color Mardi Gras style costumes. I began to notice many were larger than life, and all were celebrating. Laughing, dancing, visiting with the comfort of familiarity but with a aire of total formality and totally ostentatious. I was observing, not participating, and I was looking in, not actually there, as I now recall. I did not know what this meant at the time.
The next day I was going to go ahead and spend the night with my sister. I left Dad’s house and to go visited dad. When I arrived his pastor was there. He brought a prayer shawl, brown, green and yellow. I greeted Dad, he was awake and weak. He was able to talk a bit, but I couldn’t really understand him so I just sat with him, holding his hand, stroking his hand and hugging him. There was many tubes coming out of his chest as it was filling with fluid. He was on many medicines in IV and he had oxygen in his nose.
Rob came by later in the afternoon, and I was getting weary so was going to go to Denise’s for a bit and come back after dinner. I followed his car to her house.
I apparently followed the wrong car, got totally lost, my phone went offline and then suddenly remembered how to get to her house. We ate something and laid down to bed… then we got a call. It was Rob, her ex hubby, whom was very close to Dad, he rented the upstairs in his house in Haltom City. He said we needed to hurry.
We rushed up to the hospital and held hands as we ran to the automatic door. We pushed the elevator , got out on ICU, donned the gloves and gowns and went in to see him. When I had been there earlier that day he was fairly awake, but in tons of pain and not able to communicate well. When we got there this time he was unconscious and on a full breathing machine. They had increased all medicines to keep his body working.
We prayed over him, prayed with each other and we could not stand to see him in that condition. It was clearly irreversible. We had the kindest and most compassionate nurse ever, and we asked her opinion on his condition. She agreed and Denise and I knew that his suffering must end, we could not leave him hooked to machines while his body filled with fluid. We had to talk to a doctor to tell him that we decided to stop the medicines and breathing machine and let his body decide. He was the least compassionate man I had ever met. All business. He gave the orders DNR. So we then called a hospital pastor. Within 15 minutes he slowly left his body. He awaited the stroke of midnight and crossed over on Beltane May 1, 2015.
Ass soon as he was releasing his slow and steady final exhale I sang the HU in the room, loud, strong and proud. He no longer has to come back to this realm if he so chooses.
Then a text came into my sister’s phone. It read ‘Pay the Pilot’.
Later we realized that the Pilot (her old car that was not even in her reminders anymore) was not about a car, but the big Pilot, the Source of Oneness. He paid his dues.
As we completed what had to be done to arrange for his funeral the DFW Memorial cemetery gave me a choice of dates for the ceremony. The date was May 7, 2015. My mother’s ‘angel-versary’, the date she had crossed over 7 years earlier to the day.
Much later, Denise and I recalled that sweet Jewish man. Neither she nor I could remember smelling smoke, although he clearly was smoking. He was also wearing all white. We then realized he was an angel. His wife was coming HOME, she had passed and he was there to greet her.
OH! And that party? That is the party in Heaven EVERY night greeting all the souls coming home!!! And I am so honored to have been there the night before they greeted my daddy.