News & Events
It is the Autumnal Equinox, What is Happening Celestially + with Yoga 4 Love?
- September 23, 2020
- Posted by: lisa
- Category: Moon + Astral News and Seasonal Reflection Yoga 4 Love Blog
Hey siSTAR,
Happy Autumnal Equinox! How are you holding up in the shifting energy? We all need each other right now, and as we shift from Summer to Autumn and the energy is again changing, along with the Mars and Saturn retrogrades, there is A LOT going on. If you are an empath, like me and so many of us in the #goddesstribe, then we need to really amp up our boundaries right now and take care of our own stuff FIRST. Self Care first, honey! Always put your O2 mask on first, right?
Do you have a good support team?
Do you have a sisterhood tribe?
Do you have a strong and unshakeable daily Sadhana Self Care practice?
If you do not have all three in place and are looking to make some shifts, let’s book a Discovery chat. These things are super essential right now. If you have these things in place: PLEASE SHARE YOUR SELF CARE TIPS on our Yoga 4 Love Global Goddess Tribe Group.
I am really so looking forward to seeing you at an upcoming event, whether you jump in a FB or IG live with me or attend a deep dive with an Inner Goddess Retreat or a Reiki Training. *Virtual Certification available on 10/1 🙂
Or maybe you are really interested in learning more about Kambo or Plant Medicine, or need a conscious Biz Coaching course ? My Team and I are here to serve and show up. On the Daily. In the moment, when promoted, I just show up, no matter how I feel, and then whatever Spirit is channeling through me just comes out. This is my commitment to Source, and through this discipline then Source can count on me. Some days I am super woke and clear on an agenda and what I am supposed to share. This is how I am told to serve, and it also frees me up from meticulous planning and over managing myself and my Team. I am a Virgo, and this can be one of my rabbit holes. BTW just celebrated my 48th Solar Return!!! Thank you all for sharing your love with me on my posts last week.
Support and tribe are ESSENTIAL right now. Tap in, if you do have a tribe, stay connected, make it a priority. If you are seeking, look no further, we have support in all directions with our Team Y4L Goddess Coaches! We are available to hold a free Discovery chat with you and help you tap into your Vision, your dream life, and to navigate life and find your direction.
We are all moving through this together, and we are not alone. Do not cave to the temptation to crawl in to your cozy bed and pull the covers over your eyes. STAY WOKE!!! Show up for others, serve, and in this we find our personal mission. We must keep our frequency high!!! Do the Work, Goddesses!!! The time is NOW!
We are now officially a non profit ‘church’ with our Inner Goddess Retreat, Inc. 501(3)(c) status! We have an OMAZING Board of Directors, and we are meeting this week to determine what offerings for weekly Livestreams and workshops that we will soon have for the community! Stay tuned on my IG channel and my FB Page.
Sending so so much love to you. I see you.
Peace, Love + Light;
Lisa Aiylah Valkyrie Ware
Visionary Vixen, Inner Goddess Retreats Inc. 501(c)(3)
Exec. Director Yoga 4 Love Online Training Programs
Kambo One-on-One Ceremony
Shamanic Soul Retrieval or Power Animal Retrieval Journey
Reiki + Angel Card Reading
Book Your Discovery Chat
Yoga Online Teacher Training & Retreat 200, 500 Hour Open Enrollment for Fall 2020, Class of 2021
We have an amazing team of Goddess Tribe coaches to empower you to be the Best Version of you that YOU can be.
Are you ready to take the wild journey to your best self and share your Light with the Goddess Tribe? The fall enrollment is upon us! Click HERE to find out more!
Ready to find out if this course is the right fit for you?
Book Your Discovery Chat
Upcoming Events AND Virtual and In Person Inner Goddess Retreats:
10/1 In Person or Virtual: Reiki Training and Certification Level 1 + 2 11:30-4:00p CDT
10/2-4 Inner Goddess Texas Retreat Deep Dives + Sacred Tools 3 Day Intensive SOLD OUT
12/12/2020-12/13 Sacred Plant Medicine Ceremony Divine Sight Inner Goddess Healing Circle Retreat
JUST ANNOUNCED~ 4/30-5/2/21 Inner Goddess Spring Cosmic Awesomeness Retreat (with day trip to Cosmic Yogi Fest!)
6/21-26, 2021 Hawaii Yoga 4 Love Mermaid Adventure Retreat in the Kona Cloud Forest
August 2021 Colorado Yoga 4 Love Inner Goddess Adventure + Deep Journey~ Dates and Sign Up Coming soon!
CONNECT WITH ME (whatever channel you prefer):
+ Join the Yoga 4 Love Global Goddess Tribe Group
+ YouTube Lisa Ware Yoga 4 Love (click the bell~ live vlogs and more)
+ FB on Lisa Ware Yoga 4 Love Page
+ Instagram @yoga4lovelisa
LIVE to a FB and IG this week at these times (Central):
- Wednesdays 6:15p Shamanic Intuitive Vinyasa Outdoor Flow 201
- Saturdays 10:05a Outdoor Yoga Energizing Yoga 101
Yoga 4 Love Yoga Online Healing Arts Community FB Group
Join the Facebook Group to get the free classes!