Downward Facing Dog | Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana
Benefits: Relieves stress, stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, and calves, strengthens the arms and legs, improves, digestion, helps relieve headaches, and can be therapeutic for high blood pressure and sinusitis.
Lisa’s Asana 101
Lisa Ware | Downward Facing Dog | Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana
One of my most have poses. A resting point. A working point. A breathing point. A place to begin and a place to end. Ahhhhhh. Down Dog.
Begin in child’s pose, Balasana, the pose of wisdom. Rest forehead on the earth. Sink tailbone down toward ground. Bring kees as wide as they need to be to relax the belly.
Breathe. Stay 5-15 breaths.
Extend arms long out in front, elbows off the mat. Bring middle fingers to twelve O’ Clock and press thumb and index finger into the ground.
Bring feet sitting bone distance apart.
Inhale and lift tailbone up toward the sky with soft knees, strong arms.
Exhale and settle heels down toward the earth. Stay for 5-15 breaths.
To begin a simple Vinyasa Flow:
Inhale into Down Dog
Exhale into Child’s Pose Repeat 5 cycles. Then rest in either pose, whichever asana your body calls you to stay in.
End your practice with a few other asanas that you may choose.
Rest in Savasana on your back for at least 1 minute.
Utilizing these tools, start or end your day with breath.