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Lisa’s Asana 101 | Matsyasana | Fish Pose
- June 13, 2012
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: 5 Minutes 4 Positive Change Lisa's Yoga Pose Breakdown 101 Pranayama and Other Cool Sanskrit stuff Yoga 4 Love Blog Yoga Asana 101
~5 Minutes 4 Positive Change~
Benefits: Stretches the hip flexors, stretches the intercostal rib muscles, stretches the muscles of the belly, stimulates the abdominal muscles, strengthens the muscles of the upper back, and improves posture.
Lisa’s Asana 101 | Matsyasana | Fish Pose

This pose is one of my favorites for tranquility, peace and opening the heart!
Point the toes like the tail on a fish.
Place hands under buttocks palms down and bring elbows below body. Inhale as you lift your heart to the heavens, bringing the top of the crown of the head onto the mat and look upside down. Use this perspective of a Yogi to see the world in a whole new light. Breathe into the expansion of the heart and chest. Soften the abdomen.

Stay in the post at least 15 breaths to receive maximum benefit, working up to a few minutes.
Using Matsyasana as a regular post in your practice, you will begin to feel the tranquility of a fish, as if moving through cool clear water.
To release, slowly exhale and remove hands out to the sides of the mat lowering the chin and move right into Savasana, final relaxation.