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My night sleeping in the airport | moving from a new place of stillness
- July 18, 2012
- Posted by: bagmin
- Category: 5 Minutes 4 Positive Change Life lessons my life uncensored Pranayama and Other Cool Sanskrit stuff Yoga 4 Love Blog
Spent the night in the airport. Portland. Arriving it’s dark and very quiet at 1:10am. Everyone departed. My connecting flight isn’t til 7:15am. Quiet except the vacuum man. I head to gate D upon recommendation by the security. If I leave I can’t renter. Looking. Ah. A spot the first chair. Reading. Remove boots, find flip flops.
Go brush teeth. Looking for a safe quiet spot, the security guy said there’s long couches down in D. Sounds good. Restaurants all closed with gates shut. I see a lady behind the bars. I ask the hours. Opens at 5. I thank her and mention I’m taking a map here and go lie down. Checking email. Post on FaceBook. tired. I lie down and observe the quiet. I set my alarm for 5:00 am and find my earplugs and eye pillow. I use the eye pillow and find my yoga mat folded in my bag. Ah. A pillow! Wrapping it on a scary, I lie down. Mind racing. I say my mantra. Kristin have it to me yesterday. OM Dum Durgayai Namah. Meditation. Ah transport me.
I am sleepy. Some voice comes over the PA. I decide to use the earplugs. I trust. OM Dum Durgayai Namah. I set my iPhone under my yoga mat pillow and cover myself with another scarf. Ah. Rest. Sleep. Vibrations and soft infrequent noises. Dreams? Maybe. Mantra. Yes. OM Dum Durgayai Namah.
I begin to feel the energy of the airport shift. I’m sleeping. Feel someone sit. Peek out just a lady. Stillness. Rest. More hubbub. Shall I awake? My alarm hasn’t gone off. The cafe opens its noisy gate. I rest. Energy increases in Portland as the city wakes. I am fully conscience now. Eye pillow on. Listening. I smell coffee. Ah. Feel walking and more energy. I remove my eye mask and earplugs and look around sleepily. A few early birds getting breakfast. I suddenly feel self conscious. Have they noticed me sleeping? What did they think? I let it go and turn onto my back to look at the ceiling to awaken to my surroundings. More people walking by. Observing from a still point. Interesting actually to watch it all pass. I sit up, the cafe now has a small line. I’m now fully present. Hmmm shall I begin to connect to the desire to move and blend in? No. I begin to write.
Now it’s time to go get my coffee and journey to my next destination. Teaching at Yoga Round Up, another puddle jump flight to Pendleton.
I’ll enjoy a nice breakfast too as now the smell of the cafe food is permeating the area. The pace increases. Flight attendants. People with bags. People meeting up
at the tables and booths. Pilots. Families Passengers.
And here I AM. Totally present and I begin my day, moving from my place of stillness. OM Dum Durgayai Namah.