Yoga Asana 101
Practicing sun salutations outside with my focus on the sun, the change of seasons and nature is extremely powerful. It resets us to the rhythms if life. Watching the sun rise or set, hearing the birds, listening to the breath is so healing. Global Mala is 108 rounds of sun salutations. Shiva Rea holds a…
~5 MINUTES 4 POSITIVE CHANGE~ Half Pigeon Sanskrit: Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Benefits: Opens the shoulders and chest, stimulates the abdominal organs, stretches the thighs, groin, psoas, abs, chest, shoulders and neck. Lisa’s Asana 101 | Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
5 MINUTES 4 POSITIVE CHANGE Downward Facing Dog | Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana Benefits: Relieves stress, stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, and calves, strengthens the arms and legs, improves, digestion, helps relieve headaches, and can be therapeutic for high blood pressure and sinusitis. Lisa’s Asana 101 One of my most have poses. A resting point. A working…
5 Minutes 4 Positive Change | Setu Bandhasana | Bridge BridgeSanskrit: Setu Bandha SarvangasanaBenefits: Stretches the chest, neck, and spine, helps alleviate stress, can aid in alleviating mild depression, stimulates the lungs and abdominal organs, improves disgestion, relieves anxiety, backache, insomnia and headache.Lisa’s Asana 101 Opens the Heart Chakra. This is a pose that can be…
5 MINUTES 4 POSITIVE CHANGE | Tittibhasana | Firefly Sanskrit: TittibhasanaBenefits: Stretches the inner groins, stretches the back, strengthens the arms, strengthens the wrists, tones the belly, helps improve balance. This pose most likely cannot be mastered in 5 minutes, however there are many poses and modifications that help prep the body and mind to FLY! To…
~5 Minutes 4 Positive Change~ Fish PoseSanskrit: Matsyasana Benefits: Stretches the hip flexors, stretches the intercostal rib muscles, stretches the muscles of the belly, stimulates the abdominal muscles, strengthens the muscles of the upper back, and improves posture. Lisa’s Asana 101 | Matsyasana | Fish Pose This pose is one of my favorites for tranquility, peace…
~5 MINUTES 4 POSITIVE CHANGE~ Crane Pose Sanskrit: Bakasana Benefits: Crane pose strengthens the arms and wrists, stretches the upper back, strengthens the core muscles, and opens the groin. Lisa’s Asana 101 Just as I was a writing this I heard a very loud splat hit my window. I looked up as I saw…
Lisa’s Asana 101 Pose of the Week | Utkatasana | Chair Benefits: Stretches shoulders and chest, strengthens the ankles, thighs, calves, and spine, reduces flat feet, and stimulates the abdominal organs, diaphragm, and heart. Begin in Mountain Pose, Tadasana. Bring feet parallel, grounded, toes to touch. Reach fingertips wide near the sides of your body,…
5 Minutes 4 Positive Change Watch Lisa’s First VIDEO in the 5 Minutes 4 Positive Change Series!
Today we will practice Meditation on the Power of our own Love and also the power of our own Consciousness. As I wrote this it is on the super full moon with the moon, called Perigee when it’s closest to Earth. Use firelog, lotus, staff or sukasana pose to begin. May all beings be happy…
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