I am calling in my Priestess Tribe. I have been praying for you to answer this call!
Let’s dive into the magick that awaits us on this transformative journey.
Egyptian Mystery School Teachings of Goddess Isis is a personalized intensive container, with access to all of my most valuable wisdom and Sacred offerings in one space from decades of experience and lifetimes of ancient knowledge. Awakening our Pussy, RE-Igniting our Power, RE-Framing our Money Mindset and RECLAIMING as we speak to all of the Taboo Topics that society shuts down, covers up or ignores.
I am called to RE-claim our birthright to share our TRUTH! We are here to claim our worth, to step into Sovereignty and Abundance. To lean into true Sacred Sexuality and bliss.
In our siSTARhood we share on deep topics such as the Twin Flame Journey, Sun and Moon Rituals, Shamanic Practices, and Sacred Plant Medicine.
We are called to TRIBE as women, we need a place to share super raw and UNleashed. Your Highest Self is calling, and we’re here to embrace it together.
Feeling that FULL BODY FU<K YES? It is time to say YES!
Let’s speak into your dreams, visions, goals, and feel what aligns!
Let’s Go, Queen!
~Aiylah Valkyrie
Celtic Wheel of the Year 12 Week Cycles, recurring annually 12 Month, 13 Moon Container.
When you join the Full Priestess Path you also receive access to all Yoga 4 Love Online Training Programs for life!
Medicine Wheel Cycles of the Year:
Fall Equinox to Winter Solstice Winter Solstice to Spring Equinox Spring Eqionox to Summer Solstice Summer Solstice to Fall Equinox
Live MasterClass Replays available Access anytime 24/7/365.
2 Years to Get Certifications
Lifetime Access to Online Training Programs
Accountability on Google Classroom
Access to 2 Facebook Private Groups
Priestess Mastermind Group Chat with Aiylah
Private Coaching Chat with Aiylah and Takata!
Alumni can repeat any cycle at a Love Donation sliding scale.