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10 Rhythms of the Goddess Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse
- January 12, 2020
- Posted by: Desiree Graham
- Category: Goddess Meditation Moon + Astral News and Seasonal Reflection Uncategorized
This month’s Full Blood Wolf Moon and lunar eclipse is about around themes such as compassion, empathy, home, family, relationships, change and your foundation. Watch Ep. 10 Rhythms of the Goddess; Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse
These energies will likely shed light on the areas you’ve mentally and spiritually outgrown. The most challenging part about this is, you may not feel ready to let go of whatever’s been weighing down on you.
Full moon lunar eclipses are different from new moon and solar eclipses. This is a time of letting go, as opposed to the new moon when it is time for starting something new. The lunar eclipse will take you exactly where you’re meant to be, because destiny calls for it, there are no accidents, sisters.
All too often, major life events coincide with an eclipse. It’s a time when relationships come together, as well as break up. It’s when you accept the opportunity of your dreams or you finally muster the courage to quit your job. The reason an eclipse carries such immense magnitude because the lunar nodes are illuminated, which reveals the person you’re meant to become, while in turn purging you of what is no longer meant to be. Because the lunar nodes symbolize the energy that humanity, as a collective, is striving to move toward, an eclipse can be a climactic moment for the world as a whole.
As long as you’re ready to embrace change, there’s nothing to fear.
This lunar eclipse takes place in Cancer, the protective, emotional, and caring sign. It reveals things that will hit incredibly close to home, forcing you to reevaluate your perspective of compassion and how you practice empathy.
Release and make room by taking stuff out of your cup so you CAN add what you desire. This is a practice to create a beautiful life of balance in the
Four Bodies:
- Mental
- Emotional
- Spiritual
- Physical
Divine Feminine is rising up, the cataclysmic events are driving the Divine Masculine to join forces with the Awakening in this collective energy.
Connect with us, you are not in this alone, join and share what is going on with you in our Sacred group.
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In order for growth to take place, walls must come crashing down. Sometimes, you need to destroy something so you can have the freedom to create something new. This is the energy of the Archetype Ganesha. Sit with it, do you need to go through it, around it, dive deep and go under it like a mermaid? There is no need to force, this is a time to flow with resistance. Resistance will ALWAYS show up just at the 11th hour, right before a breakthrough. Persevere! You will make it through. It may shake you up, but you can always count on resistance to show up, treat him as your little friend.
Change, in every sense of the word is happening right now. You may feel as though the way you perceive and see the world both consciously and unconsciously is being challenged to the limits. Let yourself be open to all angles and perspectives.
This lunar eclipse brings a surge of creativity, kindness, and spirituality. If you can stop to smell the roses, count your blessings, and find the beauty in your situation, your gratitude will get you far. Gratitude is the way I begin my day and you can start just by being thankful for your bed, as Louise L Hay suggests. Before your feet hit the floor you can be grateful for dozens, if not a hundred, things!
Walking in the Beauty Way is the way of the Native Americans. Looking for signs wherever you go from Mother Earth. Realizing that there are no accidents. You are here now, be here now! Such teachings from the great ones such as Ram Dass have always shared how to be fully present in every moment, every sign.
Start with gratitude, end with courage! Let’s do this, we are all in this together to support each other on this Sacred Path.